What Glyphosate Is — And How You Can Avoid It

Frequently Asked Question: What is glyphosate and how can I avoid it?


Glyphosate is the world’s most commonly used herbicide. Since being patented in 1974, billions of pounds have been applied globally to agricultural crops, especially high value crops (e.g., tree nuts, grapes, vegetables) and large acreage field crops (e.g., soybean, cotton, corn). In the U.S. specifically, although we make up only 4% of the world’s population, we use 20% of the world’s glyphosate supply annually.* Then, we wonder why our rates of chronic disease are so much higher than other countries.

Although research is still being vastly conducted, recent studies have linked glyphosate to cancer, endocrine disruption, infertility, immune dysfunction, liver and kidney damage, and disruption of the microbiome. And not only is glyphosate harming human health and the health of our future generations, it’s also destroying our ecosystems.

So, how do we avoid glyphosate?

Purchasing USDA Organic or Non-GMO Project certified food helps, but, unfortunately these labels do not ensure the absence of glyphosate due to poor supply chain testing standards. The only way to guarantee that a product is glyphosate residue free is to third party test it, which we do with Kiki Milk.

Kiki Milk is proud to work with Farmer’s Footprint who is committed to restoring harmony in our food and agricultural systems.

What Glyphosate Is — And How You Can Avoid It
